A beautiful lawn does not happen by chance, it takes knowledge to identify problems and act to correct them. As you read through our Lawn Problems page you may well be able to recognize some from your own lawn. If you do, contact Green Frog Landscaping and we will be happy to correct them.
Weeds in a lawn can spread so vigourously you may even ask yourself 'where is my lawn'? To clear weeds from your lawn Green Frog Landscaping lawn care recommends our three star (Just Weed and Feed) programme. Here is a list of some weeds you may recognize in your lawn:

Taraxacum officinale,
the common dandelion
Bellis perennis,
the common daisy
Trifolium repens, the white clover
Ranunculus repens, creeping buttercup
Plantago major,
Moss and Thatch
Mosses are small flowerless plants which grow in clumps. They can be found in a variety of situations, usually in damp shaded areas. Thatch in a lawn can encourage moss. Thatch build up comes from dead organic material decomposing in a lawn, this reduces air exchange and water penetration into the lawn, allowing moss to have the conditions it needs to grow. To treat Moss and thatch we have to address the cause, otherwise Moss will simply reappear. Thus Green Frog Landscaping lawn care recommends our four star (standard) treatment as a minimum programme to see superb results.

Thatch. A core sample taken whilst Hollow-Tine Aerating
Moss. Picture taken whilst Scarifying.
Our gardens and lawns are full of pests at all times, but only when their levels reach an unbalanced degree do we really see any damage they can cause. Green Frog Landscaping lawn care can help when needed, check out our pest list by clicking this link. Here are some pictures of potential damage when pests can get out of hand:

Leather Jacket damage
caused by feeding on grass roots.
Chafer Grub damage
caused by the grub feeding on the grasses roots. Also birds damage the lawn whilst feeding on grubs.
Disease and Fungi
Correct lawn care builds up a lawns immunity to keep disease at bay whilst fungi is another way nature breaks down decomposing matter. Green Frog Landscaping lawn care can help when needed, we recommend our five star plus (Elite Plus) programme to build up your lawns immunity and vigour as much as possible to deal with whatever is thrown its way. Check out our disease list by clicking this link here. Here are a few more to look out for:

Snow Mould
Fairy Rings
Sand Dressing-
Effective drainage improver.
Hollow-Tine Aerating-
Helps surface drainage, allowing the lawn to dry out.
Waterlogged Lawn
A waterlogged lawn is squelchy to walk on where puddled soil forms on the lawns surface. This is caused by water draining too slowly or not at all. To cure this, many will recommend the large and expensive job of adding under lawn drainage. However, Green Frog Landscaping have found great success in curing surface waterlogging by carrying out our aeration and sand dressing service to ease and potentially cure this problem, saving great expense!