Green Frog landscaping offers a personal lawn treatment programme to ensure your lawn is looking its very best, turning them from tired, weed infested grass areas, to lawns you can be proud of, whatever your budget.
Our simple lawn care services, are administered by trained, uniformed operatives. Our treatments are specially formulated for the challenges your lawn faces each season. In most cases, our treatments cost you less than DIY and other lawn treatment companies.
Whether you are looking for regular treatments on a pay as you go option, a monthly payment plan, a cure for a lawn disease, or advice on how to get rid of moss or lawn pests, Green Frog Landscaping lawn care can help.
Our treatment plans are UNIQUE to Green Frog Landscaping using the best international knowledge in the lawn care industry to give your lawn that extra boost.
If you are unsure which treatment plan to choose contact us today and we will be happy to visit you and provide a free lawn assessment along with advice on which of our lawn treatment programmes will bring out the best in your lawn.
Use the tabs below to navigate where you want to go.
Water Boy Programme
Dry patch occurs when lawn soil becomes so compacted it turns hydrophobic. Water cannot penetrate and reach grass roots causing thining. Water Boy assists your lawn by loosening surface soil to allow water penetration and thus assists in chlorophyll production, giving you a greener lawn for longer. See the results for yourself:

Over a growing season debris from mowing your lawn and dead grass forms a layer of thatch allowing moss to have ideal conditions which can grow and spread from one protonemata. As thatch and moss prevent water getting to your lawns roots, just one centimetre can impede water and fertiliser penetration to your lawn.
Scarification is the process to remove thatch and moss, however more importantly, it works on the cause of thatch and moss. Green Frog Landscaping use robust, machine driven tools to remove thatch and moss as effectively as possible. Along with the removal of thatch and moss, our scarifier blades also remove enough surface material to allow air to circulate throughout your lawn, grass branches are cut producing new growth allowing a thicker lawn in the growing months.

Treatment Programmes
For years our brand of fertiliser has been produced to cope with the fluctuating
British climate. We have held meetings with premiership football head
groundsman, golf course groundsman as well as investigating global fertiliser
science, from America through to Germany to ensure you are getting the best
product and service for your lawn.
To help you choose your lawn treatment programme we have starred our
programmes like hotels. Choose from three star through to five star plus, this
enables our customers to select a programme to suit their pocket. But remember
we guarantee to beat any genuine like for like lawn care quotation, so you are
always getting the best price. Lawn care is affordable, you can even save further
by paying monthly.
Choose your level of service from the options below:
Our JUST WEED AND FEED Treatments:
Spring Treatment -
Green Frog Landscaping® Supreme Spring Wake Up
This granular feed definitely wakes your lawn up from the cold winter. It is designed for cooler temperatures and encourages healthy growth, disease resistance and improves colour. We also apply a selective herbicide to control broad leaved weeds.
Early Summer Treatment -
Green Frog Landscaping® Premier Summer Lush
This granular feed contains a coated pellet enabling it to cope with high temperatures. It supplies high nutrition to your lawn to enjoy itself in growth, vigour and colour. We also apply a selective herbicide to control any new weeds.
Late Summer Treatment -
Green Frog Landscaping® Active Summer Green
This fertiliser continues the good work the previous feeds have done. This feed is active by adjusting depending on weather conditions, working to prevent lawn disease which can appear at this time of year and continues to improve growth and colour. Again we apply a selective herbicide to control any fresh weeds.
Autumn / Winter Treatment -
Green Frog Landscaping® Autumn Iron
This liquid fertiliser prepares the lawn for winter by hardening its resistance along with giving a dark green colour to your lawn. This feed also darkens any moss present and stops its ability to reproduce. This feed prepares the lawn for scarifying and aerating.
Our STANDARD* Treatments:
All of the above, plus:
Scarification -
A robust treatment to remove thatch and moss completely or to a reasonable level. By reducing thatch and moss you allow air to circulate improving growing conditions for a thicker healthier lawn each year.
Hollow-tine Aeration -
By taking plugs of soil out of the surface of the lawn we help to ease compaction. This improves air exchange to the roots of the lawn and enhances water and fertiliser uptake resulting in improved turf grass rooting.
* Recommended minimum level for a healthy lawn.
Our ELITE Treatments:
All of the above, plus:
Rollering -
We are the first and only lawn care company to offer this service in the UK. Rollering gives a lawn an even texture to bring a golf-course look to your garden.
Our ELITE +Plus# Treatments:
All of the above, plus:
Booster Feeds x2 -
Green Frog Landscaping® Green Up Booster
This liquid fertiliser boost chlorophyll production and helps the lawn recover from any stress incurred over winter. This feed also blackens any remaining moss preventing it from reproducing.
Green Frog Landscaping® Autumn Conditioner
As our weather cools, lawns can become susceptible to disease this granular feed produces excellent green,light growth and aids immunity whilst beginning to work on fungi and moss in preparation for winter works.
#This is the highest level of lawn care service in the UK, unique to Green Frog Landscaping®. Help protect your lawn from disease in the ever-changing British climate.

+Plus Sand Dressing
Sand dressing is applied if your lawn suffers from water logging. By incorporating a sand top dressing it will improve the drainage and firm up the surface. This is particularly effective after aeration has taken place and the top dressing has been worked into the tine holes.
By adding Green Frog Landscaping sand dressing service to your lawn care, you are also improving the soil structure of the existing root zone, which in turn encourages new grass growth, helps to reduce the build up of thatch and improves the resilience of your lawn.

Hollow-Tine Aeration
Aeration is used when soil is compacted and as a prevention for this. This Green Frog Landscaping machine driven treatment goes hand in hand with scarification to achieve the correct growing conditions for your lawn. Thousands of cores are removed to allow air to exchange from atmosphere to soil allowing deeper water penetration, better fertiliser penetration, resulting in healthier turf rooting and a stronger lawn.
We also offer top dressing with sand to aid lawns suffering from heavy water retention for an extra fee (See below).

Chafer Grub

Red Thread

Dollar Spot

Pest and Disease Control
Bugs and our British climate can pose many challenges for our lawns. Here are a small selection you may recognise from your lawn. If so give Green Frog Landscaping a call and we will be very pleased to help.